Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-6, External Audit Services
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Renewal of Annual Delegation of Investment Management Authority to the Auditor-Controller Relative to Rule XI, Investment Policy, of the Rules of the Board
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-8, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking Lot Improvements
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute the Lease Extension with Werbe 8H, Inc., for the San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking at 8th and Harrison Streets
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letters for the Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ending June 30, 2013, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Position of Support of Assembly Bill 487 and Assembly Bill 493
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Position of Support of Assembly Bill 179, if Amended
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Topdog Media, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-7, Interior Ferry Advertising
Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept the Investment Report for March 2013 as Prepared by Pacific Financial Management