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Policy Documents

PDF DocumentMaster Ordinance

Board of Directors Policies, Master Ordinance

PDF DocumentRules of the Board

Board of Directors Policies, Rules of the Board
The Rules of the Board are designed solely to facilitate the handling by the Board of Directors of its own affairs. Updated 06/2023

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-001

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-002

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Concurrence of the Bay Area Toll Authority's Recommendation to Award a Contract to Xerox State and Local Solutions, Inc., Relative to the Regional FasTrak Customer Service Center

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-003

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Board Member Appointments by the Board President to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on Other Boards

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-004

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, for Wind-Lock Repairs

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-005

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Contract Change Order No. 89 to Contract No. 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, for Furnishing and Installing Signs

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-006

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Professional Services Agreement No. 2013-B-6, with Traffic Technologies, Inc., to Provide All-Electronic Tolling Collection Technical and Program Oversight Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-007

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-008

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Service Agreement with Boardeffect, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-4, Board of Directors Portal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-009

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to the Table of Organization Relative to the Bridge Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-010

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer Within the FY 12/13 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget for the M.V. Napa Refurbishment Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-011

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to Filing an Application for California Transit Security Grant Program Funding for the Advanced Communications and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Service Standards and Policies for Golden Gate Transit Bus and Golden Gate Ferry Service as Required by Title VI Guidelines

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-015

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Fares and Fees Associated with Special Event Ferry Service to AT&T Park

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-016

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-8, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking Lot Improvements, to MCK Services, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-017

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contact No. 2008-MD-1, Advanced Communication and Information System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of Marine Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Adopt a Strategic Plan Framework to Meet the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Recommendations for the Transit Sustainability Project

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2022-004

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An ordinance to amend the master ordinance to update parking fees on administrative holidays.

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2022-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An ordinance to amend the master ordinance to update parking hours and rates for parking lots at the Golden Gate Bridge.

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2013-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance To Amend the Master Ordinance to Establish a Carpool Lane at the Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza and to Establish a Speed Limit of 25 MPH for Southbound Traffic at the Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza.

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2013-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance To Suspend the Planned Marin Local Fare Increase on Golden Gate Transit Regional Bus Routes

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2013-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance To Temporarily Suspend Issuance of Permits for Expressive Activity, Special Events, and Filming During the Closure of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2013-004

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending Master Ordinance 2010 for the Purpose of Establishing a Parking Fee at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2013-005

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending the Master Ordinance 2010 for the Purpose of Adopting a Parking Violation Fine Schedule

PDF Document2022 Conflict of Interest Code

Board of Directors Policies, Miscellaneous
The Conflict-of-Interest Code for the Golden Gate Bridge District designating positions and establishing disclosure categories as required by the Political Reform Act (Government Code Section 81000, et seq.) and the Fair Political Practices Commission.

 DocumentCalifornia Form 804

Board of Directors Policies, Miscellaneous
Agency Report of New Positions - No New Positions to Report

PDF DocumentCalifornia Form 806

Board of Directors Policies, Miscellaneous
Agency Report of: Public Official Appointments

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-021

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer Within the FY 12/13 Ferry Transit Division Operating Budget Relative to the Dry-Docking of the M.V. Golden Gate

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-022

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Fares and Fees Associated with Special Event Ferry Service to AT&T Park

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-023

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Implementation of the Advanced Communications and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-024

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Change to the Tuition Reimbursement Policy

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-025

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation, Inc., Regarding Contract No. 2006-B-2, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase III, Construction Management and Inspection Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-026

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Seventh Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CH2M Hill, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-027

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-9, San Francisco Ferry Terminal Gangway and Floats Service Life Extension, to Salt River Construction Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-028

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-4, Automatic Identification System and Installation Services for Golden Gate Ferries, to Donatini, Inc., DBA Johnson Hicks Marine Electronics

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-2, Installation Services for Generators for the M.S. Sonoma Ferry, to Admiralty Diesel Services, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-6, Overhaul of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry Main Engines, to Valley Power Systems North, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-031

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-6, External Audit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-032

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-033

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Renewal of Annual Delegation of Investment Management Authority to the Auditor-Controller Relative to Rule XI, Investment Policy, of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-034

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-8, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking Lot Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-035

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute the Lease Extension with Werbe 8H, Inc., for the San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking at 8th and Harrison Streets

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-036

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letters for the Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ending June 30, 2013, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-037

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Position of Support of Assembly Bill 487 and Assembly Bill 493

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-038

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Position of Support of Assembly Bill 179, if Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-039

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Topdog Media, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-7, Interior Ferry Advertising

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-040

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept the Investment Report for March 2013 as Prepared by Pacific Financial Management

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-041

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-BT-2, San Rafael Transit Center Connectivity Signage

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-042

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Adopt a Strategic Vision for Golden Gate Ferry Larkspur Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-043

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the One-Year Inter-County Paratransit Bus Service Agreement with the Marin County Transit District for FY 13/14

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-044

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Execution of an Agreement with the City of Sausalito to Pass-Through Federal Transit Administration Grant Funds for the Purpose of Improving Sausalito Ferry Terminal and Adjacent Access

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-045

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to the Table of Organization Relative to the Ferry Transit Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-046

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Relative to Labor Negotiations Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and Public Employees Union, Local One

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-047

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Rejection of All Bids Received for Contract No. 2013-FT-13, Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-048

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-049

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 13/14 Transportation Development Act, State Transit Assistance and Regional Measure 2 Operating Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-050

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Enter into Amendment No. 2 to the Clipper Fare Collection System Memorandum of Understanding

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-051

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the Fiscal Year 13/14 Operating and Capital Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-052

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept the Investment Report for April 2013 as Prepared by Pacific Financial Management

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-053

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Emergency Action of the General Manager to Award Contract No. 2013-FT-16, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Boarding Ramp Emergency Repairs, to Shimmick Construction Company, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-054

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing Relative to the Establishment of Policies for Golden Gate Transit Bus and Golden Gate Ferry Services Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-055

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Asset Transfer of Fareboxes and Disposition of Surplus Buses to Marin Transit

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-056

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Health and Benefits Insurance Plans

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-057

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Change to the Health and Benefits Insurance Plans for Non-Represented Employees Relative to Opting Out of District Coverage

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-058

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the FY 2013/2014 Through 2015/2016 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal on Federal Transit Administration-Assisted Projects

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-059

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Rejection of All Bids Received for Contract No. 2013-BT-8, San Rafael Bus Facility Lighting Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-060

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-FT-15, Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry, to Marin Group Boat Works, LLC

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-061

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 2013-FT-7, Routine Dry-Docking of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry, with Allied Defense Recycling LLC, DBA ADR Mare Island Shipyard Drydocks

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-062

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2013-FT-6, Overhaul of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry Main Engines, with Valley Power Systems North, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-063

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Eighth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CH2M Hill, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-064

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Transfers Relative to the FY 12/13 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-065

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Liability Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-066

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Property Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2014-BT-1, Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility Construction, to West Bay Builders Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 to Contract no. 2013-FT-10, Routine Dry-Docking of the M.V. Golden Gate Ferry, with Bay Ship & Yacht Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-077

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept the Investment Report for June 2013 as Prepared by Public Financial Management

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-078

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of Policies for Golden Gate Transit and Golden Gate Ferry Service and Fare Changes, Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-079

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute an Agreement with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Relative to the Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Bus Facility Modifications Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-080

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with URS Corporation, PSA No. 2013-BT-1, for Design Engineering Support Services During Construction of the Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Bus Facility Modifications Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-081

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Change Orders to Contract No. 2016-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, for Slope Protection and Improved Access

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-082

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approves Actions Relative to Structural Modifications to the M.V. Napa

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-083

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Structural Modifications to the M.V. Golden Gate

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-084

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing on a Proposal to Set a Parking Fee at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-085

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Design, Construction Phasing and Schedule of the Golden Gate Bridge Moveable Median Barrier Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-086

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to an Agreement with Lindsay Transportation Solutions Sales and Service, LLC, for the Purchase and Installation of a Moveable Median Barrier System on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-088

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Request for Qualification/Request for Proposals No. 2013-B-8, Golden Gate Bridge Main Cable Access System Design Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-089

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Advanced Communication and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-090

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Enter into an Agreement with the Marin County Transit District to Receive Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Funds for Ferry Feeder Shuttle Bus Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-091

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Updated Five- and Ten-Year Financial Projections from FY 14/15 Through FY 23/24

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-092

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Services Agreement No. 2014-D-3, Wide Area Network Services, with the County of Marin for Data Communications Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-094

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Amendments to Employment Agreements for the Positions of General Manager, District Engineer and Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-095

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept the Investment Report for July and August 2013 as Prepared by Public Financial Management

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-096

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Action of the General Manager to Award Contract No. 2014-FT-1, Replace Channel Marker and Fender at Larkspur Ferry Terminal, to Manson Construction Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-097

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, PSA No. 2006-B-3, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, Engineering Support Services, with HDR Engineering, Inc. for Additional Engineering Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-098

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, PSA No. 2011-B-2, Design Services for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System, with HNTB Corporation, for Design of Power Supply Lines to Electric Battery-Powered Charging Stations

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-099

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2014-FT-4, Major Overhaul of Main Engines for M.S. Marin, to Valley Power Systems North, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-100

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Regarding the Implementation of a Pilot Program Relative to a System for the Collection of Parking Fees at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-101

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2014-D-2, Insurance Advisors and Brokerage Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-102

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Annual Report of the OPEB Retirement Investment Trust Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-103

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2014-B-4, Maintenance of the Toll Collection System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-104

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-105

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2014-FT-11, Propulsion Overhaul and Capital Improvements to the M.S. Marin Ferry

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-106

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Modifications to the District's Medical Benefits Plans for Non-Represented Employees

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-107

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Platinum Advisors, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2014-D-4, State Legislation Advocacy Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-108

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to a Proposed Toll Increase

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-109

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditors' Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2013, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-110

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Appointment of the Secretary of the District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-118

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute a Maintenance Agreement with the California Department of Transportation Relative to the Golden Gate Bridge Moveable Median Barrier Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2013-122

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Request Approval of a Cooperative Work Agreement for Extension of the Encumbrance Period for Federal Financing of the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase III Project

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2012-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend the Master Ordinance to Adopt Increases to Ferry "Stored Value" Clipper Fares

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2012-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Suspend the Planned Marin Local Fare Increase on Golden Gate Transit Regional Bus Routes

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2012-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending Master Ordinance 2010 Regarding Use of the District Properties for Expressive Activities and Special Events

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2012-004

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2010, as Amended, to Incorporate Toll Policies Relative to Implementation of All Electronic Tolling on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2012-005

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend the Master Ordinance to Establish a Speed Limit of 35 MPH for the Portion of Alexander Avenue Under the District's Jurisdiction

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-001

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
Authorize the General Manager to Enter into and Amend Agreements with the Marin County Transit District Relative to Ownership of Paratransit Vehicles

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-003

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing Relative to a Proposal to Increase Ferry "Stored-Value" Clipper Fares

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-004

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Action of the General Manager to Approve Renewal of the Automobile Liability Policy Relative to the Doyle Drive Lane Diversion Program and Roadway Patrol/Tow Services Agreement with the California State Department of Transportation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-005

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the 75th Anniversary Plan as Prepared by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-006

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-BT-6, Novato Bus Facility Security Improvements, to Massa Construction Co., Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-007

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 11/12 Transit Security Grant Program Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-008

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-009

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Concurrence of the Bay Area Toll Authority's Contract Change Order with ACS State and Local Solutions, Inc., for Implementation of the All Electronic Tolling Payment Processing Framework and Cash Payment Network

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-010

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 39 to Contract No 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, with Shimmick Construction Company, Inc./Obayashi Corporation, Joint Venture, for Modifications to the Floor Beam Strengthening Details

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-011

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of Marine Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-012

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order Nos. 3, 10 and 71 to Contract No. 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-013

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Ratification of the Award of an Emergency Contract to Bay Ship & Yacht Co., for Dry-Docking and Repair of the M.S. Sonoma

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Orders to Contract No. 2010-FT-1, Refurbishment of the M.V. Napa and the M.V. Chinook (M.V. Golden Gate) Ferries, with Ice Floe, LLC, DBA Nichols Brothers Boat Builders

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-015

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-FT-9, M.V. Del Norte Ferry Accessibility Improvements, to Bay Ship & Yacht Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-016

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Services Agreement with Barbier Security Group Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2012-FT-6, Onboard Security Services for Ferry Transit Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-017

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement Between the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District for Ticket Vending Machines Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Implementation of a Demonstration Project Relative to the Management of Passenger Reservations for Special Event Ferry Service to AT&T Park

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement with LJH Enterprises, DBA, The Mobile Gourmet, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2012-FT-5, Mobile Gourmet Food Trucks at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-021

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-022

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Total Resource Management Relative to Sole Source Agreement No. 2012-MD-3, Software, Maintenance and Support Services for Configuration of Maximo System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-023

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CH2M Hill, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-024

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Sale of Miscellaneous Ferryboat Spare Parts to Pacific Marine Equipment, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-025

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Implementation of a Medical Benefits Premium Sharing Program for Non-Represented Employees, Deputy General Managers, District Officers and Members of the Board of Directors and Other Related Actions

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-026

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Sunrise Wireless, Inc., for Wireless Internet Services Onboard Golden Gate Ferries and at the Ferry Terminals

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-027

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Support of Assembly Bill 1706

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-028

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 12/13 Lifeline Transportation Program Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Traffic Technologies, Inc. Relative to Sole Source Agreement No. 2010-D-9, Strategic Development Plan for All Electronic Toll Collection, for Engineering Services and Permit Assistance

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letter for the Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ending June 30, 2012, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-033

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute a Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation Relative to the Golden Gate Bridge Moveable Median Barrier

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-048

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 12/13 Transportation Development Act, State Transit Assistance and Regional Measure 2 Operating Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-055

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-056

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Fifth Amendment to Contract No. 2008-MD-1, Advanced Communication and Information System, with General Electric Transportation Global Signaling, LP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-057

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-D-2, Exterior Bus Advertising Services, to Lamar Obie Corporation DBA Lamar Transit Advertising

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-058

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of an Advertising Policy

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-065

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-066

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Purchase of Paratransit Vehicles

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-067

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Bank of America, N.A., Regarding Best Interest No. 2013-B-5, All Electronic Toll Banking Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-068

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Implementation of a Three-Year Affirmative Action Plan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-069

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Reorganization in the Engineering Department

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-070

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Reorganization in the Human Resources Department of the Administration and Development Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-071

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to the Table of Organization Relative to the Planning Department

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-073

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Execution of Amendments to the Employment Agreement with the Attorney for the District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-074

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Final Design of the Golden Gate Bridge Moveable Median Barrier Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for and Approve the Design of the Alexander Avenue/Danes Drive Intersection Improvement Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-MD-2, Larkspur Ferry Terminal and San Rafael Transit Center Bicycle Racks and Signage, to CF Contraction, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-077

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of Change Order Nos. 3, 7, 9 and 18 Regarding Contract No. 2012-FT-3, M.S. Marin Ferry Stability and Accessibility Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-078

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase in the Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget for the Spaulding Class Vessel Solid Ballast Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-079

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Purchase and Installation of Generators for the M.S. Sonoma

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-080

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-081

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-082

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Recognition of a New Employee Unit Comprised of Bridge Painters to be Represented by Public Employees Union, Local One

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-085

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Execute an Agreement with Golden Link Concessionaire/Transfield Services to Provide Roadway Patrol and Tow Services on Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) for the Duration of the Construction Phase of the Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-086

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize District's Participation in the Federal Highway Administration Pooled Fund Study Relative to the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase III Design Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-087

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Services Agreement with IMPEC Group Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2013-MD-3, Janitorial Services for District Facilities

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-088

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2013-B-4, Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Machine, to NLB Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-089

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Increase for the Implementation of the All Electronic Tolling Outreach PLan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-090

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to Reallocate Regional Measure 2 Funds to Support Design and Construction of the Advanced Communication and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-091

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of Applications for Federal Transit Administration Formula Program and Surface Transportation Program Funding for Various Transit Capital Projects, Committing the Necessary Local Match, and Assuring Completion of the Projects

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-092

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Reimbursement to the California Department of Transportation for the Removal and Disposal of Contaminated Material Associated with the Novato Bus Facility

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-093

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditors' Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2012, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-098

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-099

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-5, Improvements to Berths at the San Francisco Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-100

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Sausalito Ferry Terminal Improvement Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-101

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Intended to Comply with the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 Regarding Retiree Medical Benefits Eligibility

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-102

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Termination of the Supplemental Retirement Plan and Adoption of a Defined Contribution Plan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-103

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to the Table of Organization Relative to the Ferry Transit Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-104

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the Conflict-of-Interest Code, as Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-105

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase in the FY 12/13 District Division Capital Budget Relative to the Advanced Communication and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-106

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to Filing an Application for Surface Transportation Program Funding for the Advanced Communications and Information System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-107

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Implementation of a Legislative Platform

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2012-108

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Selection of Officers of the Board of Directors for 2013/14

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2011-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend the Master Ordinance to Adopt the Five-Year Transit Fare Program for July 1, 2011 Through June 30, 2016

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2011-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2010, as Amended, to Adopt a Change to Golden Gate Toll Classification for California Public Utilities Commission Certificated Providers of Regularly Scheduled Bus Transportation Services from Marin and Sonoma Counties to the San Francisco International Airport

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2011-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Temporarily Suspend Issuance of Permits for Expressive Activity, Special Events, and Filming During the 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-001

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-002

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Delegate Authority for the Location, Design and Functionality of Golden Gate Transit Bus Stops and Related Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-003

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Recodification of the Rules of the Board, as Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-004

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2011-FT-9, Installation Services for Generators for the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, to Bay Ship & Yacht, Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-005

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2010-FT-13, San Francisco Ferry Terminal Accessible Restrooms, with Integra Construction Services, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-006

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Cooperative Agreement Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Relative to Surface and Marine Barriers at the San Francisco Ferry Plaza Platform Regarding the San Francisco Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-007

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase in the FY 10/11 Bus Transit Division Capital Budget for the San Rafael Data Center Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-008

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Staff to Commence Implementation Activities for All Electronic Toll Collection on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-009

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-010

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Certifications and Assurances for the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account Bond Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-011

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Intercounty Paratransit Services Agreement with Marin County Transit District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-012

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Board Member Appointments by the Board President to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on Other Boards

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-013

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2011-FT-8 Golden Gate Ferry Terminals Site Construction for Ticket Machines, with Valentine Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of Marine Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-015

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of Public Hearings Relative to a Proposed FY 2012-2016 Five-Year Fare Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-016

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District's Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) Trust's Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ending June 30, 2010

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-017

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement No. 2010-D-9, Strategic Development Plan for All Electronic Toll Collection, with Traffic Technologies, Inc., to Provide Technical and Project Management Services for All Electronic Tolling Conversion

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement No. 2009-D-7, FasTrak Technical Support Services, with Traffic Technologies, Inc., to Provide Toll Collection System Operations Support

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of (1) MOU Among the GGBHTD, National Park Service and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy; and, (2) Project Statement No. 1 for GGB 75th Anniversary, Visitor Experience Activities, and Merchandising Activities, Between the GGBHTD and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-022

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2011-BT-1, San Francisco Bus Facility Construction, to Interstate Grading & Paving, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-023

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Exercise the Second One-Year Option of the Services Agreement with Security Management Group International, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2009-FT-8, Onboard Security Services for Ferry Transit Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-024

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Professional Services Agreement with PFM Asset Management LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2007-D-7, Trust and Investment Management Services for GASB 45 (OPEB) Trust

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-025

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Pilot Program to Allow Mobile Gourmet Food Trucks at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-026

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-027

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement with the Marin County Transit District to Operate the Muir Woods Shuttle for the Summer of 2011

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-028

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District - Amalgamated Retiree Health and Welfare Plan and Related Agreement and Declaration of Trust

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Board Member Appointments by the Board President to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District - Amalgamated Transit Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Selection of the Second Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Years 2011-2012

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-032

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Orders with Ice Floe, LLC, DBA Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, Relative to Contract No. 2010-FT-1, Refurbishment of the M.V. Napa and the M.V. Chinook (M.V. Golden Gate) Ferries

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-033

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Fast Ferry Management, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-FT-8, Consultant to Provide Project Management and Construction Oversight for New High-Speed Ferry Vessels

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-034

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2010-FT-10, Installation of New Propulsion System for Re-Powering and Dry-Docking of the M.V. Del Norte, with Ice Floe, LLC, DBA Nichols Brothers Boat Builders

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-035

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2009-BT-1, Forty-Five Foot Diesel Inter-City Configuration Coaches, with Motor Coach Industries, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-036

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letter for the Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ending June 30, 2011, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-037

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Reorganization of the Customer Service Center

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-039

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-040

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Implementation of Sunday Bus Service on Golden Gate Transit Route 101 on Pilot Basis

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-041

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing for Establishing a Toll Classification for California Public Utilities Commission Certificated Providers of Regularly Scheduled Bus Transportation Services from Marin and Sonoma Counties to the San Francisco International Airport

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-042

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Reorganization in the Ferry Transit Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-043

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Information Access Systems, Inc., Regarding Request for Proposals No. 2011-D-1, Electronic Records Management System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-044

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the License Agreement with American Tower, L.P., for Communications Equipment on Mt. Tamalpais

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-045

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 2011-FT-9, Installation Services for Generators for the M.V. Mendocino Ferry

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-046

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Transfers Relative to the Fiscal Year 10/11 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-047

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to Rule XI., Investment Policy, of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-048

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary Pavilion

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-049

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-050

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of the FY 11/12 Inter-County Paratransit Services Agreement with the Marin County Transit District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-051

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Giro, Inc., Regarding Sole Source Agreement No. 2011-BT-4, Maintenance and Support Services for the Hastus Software Program for Golden Gate Transit Fixed Route Scheduling System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-052

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the FY 11/12 Operating and Capital Budgets

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-053

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 2010-11 California Transit Security Grant Program Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-054

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with York Risk Services Group, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2011-D-2, Third Party Administrator for Workers' Compensation Program Claims Administration and Ancillary Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-055

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Extension to the Commercial Paper Line of Credit Agreement with JPMorgan Chase Bank

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-056

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Health and Benefits Insurance Plans

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-057

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Establishment of a New Repayment Date for the Housing Loan Provided to the Former General Manager, Celia G. Kupersmith

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-058

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Revocation of Recognition of the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, District Council No. 16, as the Representative of the Employee Unit Comprised of Painters Based Upon the Outcome of a State Mediation and Conciliation Service Conducted by Secret Ballot Election

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-059

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2011-B-2, Design Services for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-060

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-FT-2, Consultant to Provide Technical Specifications for Golden Gate Ferry Fare Equipment

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-061

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a License Agreement with C&C Equipment Company for Communications Equipment at Big Rock Ridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-062

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Leases with Loukas Papanastasiou for Cafe Salute and Busboat at the San Rafael C. Paul Bettini Transportation Center

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-063

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 11/12 Transportation Development Act, State Transit Assistance and Regional Measure 2 Operating Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-064

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Liability Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-065

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Property Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-066

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with FreeFi Networks, Inc., for Wireless Internet Services Onboard Golden Gate Transit Buses

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-067

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Approve Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-068

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the All Electronic Toll Payment Processing Framework in Preparation for Contract Negotiations with the FasTrak Regional Customer Service Center Vendor

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-069

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Third Amendment to the Wide Area Network Services Agreement with the County of Marin

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-070

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Right-of-Way Agreement and a Cooperative Agreement Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the California Department of Transportation Relative to the Doyle Drive Reconstruction Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-071

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-FT-1, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Security Improvements, to KCK Builders, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-072

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-073

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Benefit Modifications for Non-Represented Employees and Retirees and a Wage Adjustment for Non-Represented Employees with the Exception of District Officers and Deputy General Managers

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-074

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Approve Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer from District Reserves to the FY 10/11 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Updated Five- and Ten-Year Financial Projection from FY 12/13 Through FY 21/22

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-077

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Sublease Relative to Contract No. 2012-BT-3, Sublease of Lot Located at Third, Fourth, Perry and Stillman Streets in San Francisco, CA, with Imperial Parking (US), Inc., DBA IMPARK

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-078

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Contract Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 2011-BT-1, San Francisco Bus Facility Construction, with Interstate Grading & Paving, Inc., for Modifications to Utility Conduits

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-079

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., Regarding Contract No. 2006-B-3, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, for Additional Engineering Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-080

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-BT-4, San Rafael Bus Lot Entrance Improvements, to Valentine Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-081

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-BT-1, Wireless Internet Equipment Onboard Golden Gate Transit Buses, to Global Reach Corporation Limited

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-082

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer from the FY 11/12 District Division Operating Budget to the Bus Transit Division Operating Budget Relative to Contract No. 97-BT-8, Purchase, Delivery, Installation and Support of Software Program for GGT Fixed Route Scheduling System, with Giro, Inc., for Purchase of Hastus Program Modifications and Training

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-083

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Funding Agreement Relative to the Doyle Drive Reconstruction Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-084

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Approval of a 13-Month Contract Extension to the Agreement Between the Bay Area Toll Authority and ACS State and Local Solutions, Inc., for Operation of the FasTrak Regional Customer Service Center

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-085

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Approve Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-086

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Services Agreement with Ontira Communications, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2012-D-1, Customer Communication Services Platform Utilizing Interactive Voice Technology

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-087

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer from District Reserves to the FY 11/12 Bus Transit Division Operating Budget Relative to the Sublease of Lot Located at Third, Fourth, Perry and Stillman Streets in San Francisco

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-090

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2012-FT-3, M.S. Marin Ferry Stability and Accessibility Improvements, to Bay Ship & Yacht Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-091

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Request Approval of a Cooperative Work Agreement for Extension of the Encumbrance Period for Federal Financing of the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase II, South Approach Structures Construction Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-092

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 9 to Contract No. 2006-B-19, Replacement of FasTrak Lane and Plaza/Host Equipment, with the Revenue Markets, Inc., DBA TRMI Systems Integration, for Replacement and Upgrade of the Toll Collection System Hardware and Software

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-093

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2010-D-9, Strategic Development Plan for All Electronic Toll Collection, with Traffic Technologies, Inc., for Implementation Coordination and Delivery Service for All Electronic Tolling Conversion

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-094

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Operation of Mobile Gourmet Food Trucks at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-095

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Activities Associated with the 75th Anniversary Celebration

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-096

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Second Amendment to Contract No. 2008-MD-1, Advanced Communication and Information System, with General Electric Transportation Systems Global Signaling, LP, for Modification of Contract Phase Completion Dates

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-097

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-098

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2011-BT-1, San Francisco Bus Facility Construction, with Interstate Grading & Paving, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-099

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase and a Budget Transfer Relative to Contract No. 2010-BT-1, San Rafael Body Shop Roof Replacement and Solar Panels Installation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-100

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Filing of Sub-Grantee Agreement with the Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Region Relative to the Automatic Identification System Navigation Equipment Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-101

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditors' Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2011, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLC

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-102

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-103

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to Diversity Program for Contracts and Submittal of the Revised Program to U.S. Department of Transportation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-104

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Adopt a Gift Policy and Authorize Related Actions

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-105

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Selection of Officers of the Board of Directors for the Year 2012

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-107

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Action of the President of the Board to Reconfirm the Appointment of Albert J. Boro to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on the Amalgamated Transit Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2011-108

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Public Employee Performance Evaluation for the Auditor-Controller and the Secretary of the District

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2010-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2010, as Amended, to Revise Bridge Tolls

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2010-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2010, as Amended, to Adopt Changes to Golden Gate Ferry Fares for Passengers Using Clipper Card Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-001

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-002

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Full Transition to Translink as the Sole Method of Receiving Golden Gate Transit Inter-County Frequent Rider Discounts on Regional Bus Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-003

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Regional Transportation Improvement Program Funds for the Freeway Bus Pad Improvements Project on US Highway 101

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-004

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Increasing the Threshold for Procuring Services Using a Formal Competitive Negotiation Process

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-005

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Continuation of Lane Diversion Services on Doyle Drive

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-006

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-12, Sale of Four Surplus Cummins Diesel Engines and Miscellaneous Spare Parts, to Wagner & Pigozzi, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-007

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the First Amendment to the Services Agreement with Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2010-D-3, Installation Services for Nortel Switch Upgrade, to Extend the Term of the Service Warranty

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-008

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with JFC & Associates, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2009-FT-6, Asset Management System Consultant Services, to Provide Expanded Consultant Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-009

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve "Option C2" for the Outdoor Exhibition Area Relative to the National Science Foundation Project's Master Plan for the East Visitor's Area

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-010

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-011

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Regarding Award of Contract No. 2010-MD-3, Security Guard Services for Bus and Ferry Facilities, to Barbier Security Group

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-012

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Marin County Transit District to Operate the Muir Woods Shuttle for the Summer of 2010

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-013

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Implementation of a Public Review Process Relative to a Proposal to Increase Carpool and Multi-Axle Vehicle Tolls

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 6 to Contract No. 2006-B-19, Replacement of FasTrak Lane and Plaza/Host Equipment

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-015

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report, Adopting Findings of Fact, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Approving a Physical Suicide Deterrent System on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-016

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Anchor QEA, L.P. (Formerly Known as Anchor Environmental CA, L.P.) Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-FT-3, Consultant to Provide Berth and Channel Maintenance Dredging Design and Permitting Support Services for the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-017

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Procurement of Equipment and Services for the Ferry Electronic Fare System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Marine Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District's Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Retirement Investment Trust Board's Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ending June 30, 2009

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-021

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Proposal to Consider Changes to Golden Gate Transit Commute Bus Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-022

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 09/10 California Transit Security Grant Program Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-023

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application for and Award of FY 09/10 Public Transportation Modernization Improvement and Service Enhancement Account Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-024

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Recodifcation of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-025

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2010-BT-8, Leasing of Bus Tires, to the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-026

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-1, Refurbishment of the M.V. Napa and the M.V. Chinook Ferries, to Ice Floe, LLC, DBA Nichols Brothers Boat Builders and the Renaming of the M.V. Chinook

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-027

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Concurrence of the Bay Area Toll Authority's Change Order Award for Expanded FasTrak Regional Customer Service Center Functionality

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-028

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Extension of Current Salary Freeze for All Non-Represented Employees and Officers

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Strategic Development Plan for All Electronic Toll Collection on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-031

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2010-FT-10, Installation of New Propulsion System for Re-Powering and Dry-Docking of the M.V. Del Norte, for the Overhaul of Waterjets and the Installaion of New Radar Equipment

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-032

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 10/11 Transportation Development Act, State Transit Assistance and Regional Measure 2 Operating Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-033

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Third Amendment to Contract No. 2005-D-6, Revenue Collection, with Securitas Security Services, USA, Inc., to Provide a Three-Month Extension of the Contract

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-034

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letter for the Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ending June 30, 2010, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-035

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-036

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the FY 10/11 Intercounty Paratransit Services Agreement with the Marin County Transit District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-037

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to Rule XI., Investment Policy, of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-038

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Changes to Golden Gate Transit Commute Bus Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-039

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-BT-7, San Rafael Bus Facility Wash Rack Replacement, to Arntz Builders, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-040

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-7, Battery System Improvements for Spaulding Ferries, to Dahl-Beck Electric

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-041

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-18, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Berths and Channel Maintenance Dredging, to Dutra Dredging Company

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-042

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2009-BT-3, San Rafael Data Center, with Sonoma County Builders, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-043

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-10, Installation of New Propulsion System for Re-Powering and Dry-Docking of the M.V. Del Norte, to Nichols Brothers Boat Builders

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-044

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Professional Services Agreement with Marine Systems Corporation Regarding Request for Proposals No. 2009-FT-10, Engineering and Detailed Design Services for the Refurbishment of the M.V. Snohomish (M.V. Napa) and the M.V. Chinook (M.V. Golden Gate) Ferries, for Additional Consultant Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-045

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with John Glenn Adjusters & Administrators, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2010-D-5, Third Party Administrator for Public Liability and Fleet Claims Investigation and Adjustment Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-046

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the First Amendment to the Agreement with Compucom Systems, Inc., for Additional Microsoft Licenses

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-047

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-048

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Renewal of the Commercial Paper Line of Credit Agreement with JP Morgan Chase Bank

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-049

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-3, San Francisco Ferry Terminal Accessible Restrooms, to Integra Construction Services, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-050

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Proposed FY 10/11 Through FY 12/13 Annual Overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goals

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-051

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions to Effectuate Compliance with the Federal Mental Healthy Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-052

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Erler & Kalinowski, Inc., Regarding Request for Proposals No. 2010-B-2, Lead Cleanup Phase II Feasibility Study, Remedial Action Plan and Construction Drawings for Golden Gate Bridge North and South Approaches

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-053

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Execution of the First Amendment to Contract No. 2008-MD-1, Advanced Communications and Information System, with GE Transportation Systems Global Signaling, LLC for Microwave Network Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-054

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Transfers Relative to the Fiscal Year 09/10 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-055

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the FY 10/11 Operating and Capital Budgets

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-056

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Liability Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-057

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Property Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-058

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Health and Benefit Insurance Plans

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-059

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Regarding Operations and Maintenance of Clipper Smartcard Fare Collection System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-060

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-061

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to the Separation Policy for Non-Represented Employees

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-062

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Retention of Carmen Clark Consulting Relative to the Internal Recruitment and Selection of the General Manager

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-063

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-064

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2011-MD-1, Armored Carrier Collection Services, to Brink's U.S., a Division of Brink's, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-065

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Appointment of Ignacio R. Mora as a Trustee to the Golden Gate Transit-Amalgamated Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-066

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Negotiations Relative to Entering into a Cooperative Relationship with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-067

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-068

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Receipt of Federal Funds from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-069

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing Relative to Proposed Changes to Golden Gate Ferry Frequent Rider Fares and Schedules

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-070

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Fifth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Giro, Inc., and Approve Other Actions Relative to Contract No. 97-BT-8, Purchase, Delivery, Installation and Support of Software Program for Golden Gate Transit Fixed Route Scheduling System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-072

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local No. 1575

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-073

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Appointment of the General Manager

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-074

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2010-FT-5, Improvements to Berths at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, to Bay Ship & Yacht Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Updated Five- and Ten-Year Financial Projection from FY 11/12 Through FY 20/21

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Employment Agreement with the Newly Appointed General Manager Denis J. Mulligan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-077

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the District Engineer Position

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-078

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2011-FT-3, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Utility Rehabilitation to JMB Construction, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-079

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Sole Source Contract No. 2011-FT-7, Parts and Services for the Overhaul of the M.V. Mendocino Main Engines to Valley Power Systems North, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-080

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Action of the General Manager Relative to the Issuance of Change Orders to Contract No. 2010-FT-23, Routine Dry Docking of the M.V. Mendocino, with Bay Ship & Yacht, Co., for Additional Work

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-081

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Rescind the Action to Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Clearwire DBA Clear Wireless, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2010-BT-5, Wireless Internet Services Onboard Golden Gate Transit Buses; and, Authorize Reissuing the Request for Proposals

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-082

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Appointment of Mary C. Fuller as Trustee to the Golden Gate Transit-Amalgamated Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-083

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approves a Salary Increase for Acting District Engineer Ewa Z. Bauer

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-084

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local No. 1575

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-085

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-086

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of Applications with the Federal Transit Administration, an Operating Administration of the United States Department of Transportation, for Federal Transportation Assistance Authorized by 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53; Title 23 United States Code; and Other Federal Statutes Administered by the Federal Transit Administration

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-087

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Extension of the Five-Year Option with Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District to Purchase District Property, Assessor Parcel No. 018-141-03

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-088

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Relative to RFP No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System, for Continued and Additional Services Regarding the Project Implementation Management Phase

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-089

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Anchor QEA, L.P., (Formerly Anchor Environmental CA, L.P.), Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-FT-3, Berth and Channel Maintenance Dredging Design and Permitting Support Services for the Larkspur Ferry Terminal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-090

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 2010-FT-1, Refurbishment of the M.V. Napa and the M.V. Chinook (M.V. Golden Gate) Ferries

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-091

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the First Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Relative to the Procurement of Electronic Ticket Vending Machines and Related Hardware and Software Enhancements from Cubic Corporation DBA Cubic Transportation Systems

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-092

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-093

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Changes to Golden Gate Ferry Weekday Ferry Schedules

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-094

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2011-B-4, Window Washing Services at District Facilities, to Universal Building Services and Supply Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-095

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Request Approval of a Cooperative Work Agreement for Extension of the Encumbrance Period for Federal Financing of the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon Construction Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-096

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Pass-Through Agreement Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the Marin County Transit District for Federal Transit Assistance Relative to the State of Good Repair Discretionary Fund Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-097

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditors' Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2010, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-098

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the 2010 Conflict of Interest Code

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-099

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Appointment of the District Engineer

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-100

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-101

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Disposition of Surplus Buses and Paratransit Vans

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-102

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2011-FT-8, Golden Gate Ferry Terminals Site Construction for Ticket Machines, to Valentine Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-103

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase and Budget Transfers in the FY 10/11 Budget for Capital Projects

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-104

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Reclassification of the Director of Planning Position

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-105

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Codification of the Medical Benefits Policy in the Human Resources Guide for Represented and Administrative Retirees (Excluding Bus Operations), Their Spouses, Dependents and Survivors

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-106

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Employment Agreement with Ewa Z. Bauer, District Engineer

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-107

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Execution of Amendments to Employment Agreements with Auditor-Controller and Secretary of the District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2010-110

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Selection of Officers of the Board of Directors for the Years 2011-2012

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, to Increase the 2009 Special Event Ferry Fare Between the Larkspur Ferry Terminal and AT&T Park

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending Master Ordinance 2009 Regarding the Use of the District Properties for Expressive Activities and Special Events

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-004

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, to Authorize the Establishment of a Reciprocal Transfer Arrangement with Sonoma County Transit and Santa Rosa CityBus

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-005

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance Amending Master Ordinance 2009 Regrading Use of the District Properties for Expressive Activities and Special Events

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-006

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, to Approve Changes to the Fare Coordination Agreement with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to Provide for a Reciprocal 50-Cent Translink Transfer Credit for Adult Fares

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-007

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, to Modify the Fare Collection Policy Resulting from the Implementation of Translink and the New Fareboxes on Golden Gate Transit Buses

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-008

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, to Establish and Enforce a Passenger Code of Conduct

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2009-009

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2009, as Amended, Approved Regulations Pertaining to Use of Transit Properties for Distribution of Written Materials Through Newsracks

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Program Supplement to Master Agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation for Federal Funds Available to Support the Moveable Median Barrier Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to Rule II, the Rules of Order, Section A., Meetings, of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to Rule XI., Investment Policy, Section I., Permitted Investment Instruments, of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to Rule XII., District Bank Accounts and Signatures, Sections A. Through H., of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of American Recover and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Transit Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Executing Certifications and Assurances Relative to the Filing of a Grant Application with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Capital and Operating Assistance

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-047

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 09/10 Transportation Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance (STA) and Regional Measure 2 (RM2) Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-052

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Filing of Applications for Federal Transit Administration Sections 5307 and 5309 and Surface Transportation Programs Funding for Various Transit Capital Projects, Committing the Necessary Local Match, and Assuring Completion of the Projects

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-053

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the District's Use of the California Department of Transportation's Expedited Payment Procedures Process for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-072

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Regional Measure 2 Funds to Support Implementation of the Golden Gate Ferry Electonic Fare System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Regional Measure 2 Funds to Support Implementation of the Advanced Communication and Information System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2009-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for FY 09/10 Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program Grant Funds to Support Larkspur Ferry Shuttle Operations

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2008-001

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2007, as Amended, to Increase the 2008 Special Event Ferry Fare Between the Larkspur Ferry Terminal and AT&T Park

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2008-002

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2008, as Amended, to Revise Bridge Tolls

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2008-003

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 2008-02, An Ordinance to Amend Master Ordinance 2008, as Amended, to Review Bridge Tolls, to Change the Effective Date of the Revised Bridge Tolls and to Clarify the New Toll Rate for Persons with Disabilities

PDF DocumentOrdinance No. 2008-004

Board of Directors Policies, Ordinances
An Ordinance to Authorize the Elimination of "Frequent Ferry Rider" Ticket Books and Approve the Transition to Translink as the Sole Method of Receiving Golden Gate Ferry Frequent Rider Discounts

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-001

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-002

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement with the Bay Area Toll Authority for the Operation of the FasTrak Regional Customer Service Center for a Modification to the Cost Allocation Formula

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-003

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Traffic Technologies, Inc., for Extended Support Services Relative to Contract No. 2006-B-19, Replacement of FasTrak Lane and Plaza/Host Equipment

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-004

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2008-B-7, Air Compressors, to Volvo Road Machinery, Inc., DBA Volvo Construction Equipment Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-005

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of Supplement No. 1 to Change Order No. 2, Relative to Contract No. 2007-B-4, Golden Gate Bridge, North Approach Viaduct Suspended Maintenance Scaffolding System, with Safway Services, Inc., for Additional Lift Platform Rental Charges

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-006

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Ferry Emission Standards for the New High-Speed Replacement Ferry Vessel

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-007

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to a Proposed Toll Increase

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-008

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-009

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement with the County of Marin, Department of Public Works, for Provision of the Fourth Year of the Muir Woods Shuttle Bus Demonstration Project for the Summer of 2008

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-010

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Programming RTIP/STIP Funds to Support the Golden Gate Bridge Moveable Median Barrier Project (Resolution of Local Support)

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-011

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to the Procurement Manual and the Rules of the Board Regarding Procurement Processes

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-012

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Award of Contract No. 2008-BT-3, Fare Collection System, to GFI Genfare, a Unit of SPX Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-013

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Marine Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-014

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Public Officials Fiduciary Liability Insurance Program for OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Retirement Investment Trust Board Members

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-015

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amending Assembly Bill No. 117, Relating to the Award of Contracts for Supplies, Equipment and Materials, to Include the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-016

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Prestige Media, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-D-5, Interior Ferry Advertising

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-017

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify District Director Appointments by the President of the Board to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on Other Boards

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-018

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-019

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing Grant Applications with the Federal Transit Administration for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Section 5307, Section 5309 and Flex Funds Capital Assistance

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-020

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Resolution Concerning Proposed Adoption of a Variable Pricing Plan in Connection with Toll Increase Proposals, to Mitigate Regional Congestion Along the Golden Gate Corridor

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-021

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Granting Authority to the Auditor-Controller, the Plan Administrator for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Supplemental Retirement Plan, to Adopt Certain Amendments to the Plan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-022

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the East and West Sidewalks Regarding Contract No. 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-023

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2006-B-1, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, North Anchorage Housing/North Pylon, to Shimmick Construction Company, Inc./Obayashi Corporation, Joint Venture

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-024

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Presidio Trust Relative to a Construction Staging Area for Golden Gate Bridge Improvement Projects

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-025

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2008-FT-4, Installation of the Four New Main Engines for Re-Powering of the M.V. Mendocino, and Dry-Docking for Routine U.S. Coast Guard Inspection, Hull Maintenance and Repairs, to Bay Ship & Yacht Co.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-026

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Corey, Canapary & Galanis Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-D-4, Regional Bus and Ferry Passenger Survey

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-027

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Adjustment in the FY 07/08 Bus Transit Division Capital Budget for the Purchase of a Filter Cleaning Station at the San Rafael Bus Facility

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-028

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Property Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-029

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2007, as Submitted by Macias Gini & O'Connell LLP

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-030

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-031

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 2008 California Transit Assistance Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-032

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-D-3, External Audit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-033

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to Contract No. 2005-D-6, Revenue Collection, with Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., Relative to an Extension of the Contract Term

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-034

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Preparation and Presentation of a Resolution of Appreciation to Susan C. Chiaroni

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-035

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase in the FY 07/08 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget for the Addition of the Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-036

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Revision to the Investment Policy and Amend Rule XI of the Rules of the Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-037

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-038

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Proposed Variable Toll Rates for Inclusion in Toll-Related Public Hearing

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-039

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the Rules of the Board, as Amended

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-040

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2006-B-2, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, Construction Management and Inspection Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-041

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2006-B-3, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA, Engineering Support Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-042

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Changes to the Change Order Authorization Limits for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase IIIA Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-043

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2008-BT-2, San Rafael District Administration Building HVAC Improvements, to Best Contracting Services, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-044

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Transfers in the FY 07/08 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-045

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Executing Certifications and Assurances Relative to the Filing of a Grant Application with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Capital Assistance

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-046

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Renewal of the Commercial Paper Line of Credit Agreement with JP Morgan Chase Bank

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-047

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Resolution of Appreciation to Maureen Middlebrook

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-048

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-049

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Competitive Negotiation Process for RFP No. 2008-BT-1, 13 Forty-Five Foot Inter-City Configuration Coaches

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-050

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve an Amendment to the Vacation Policy in the Human Resources Guide Relative to District-Directed Restrictions on the Use of Accrued Vacation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-051

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve FY 08/09 Annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-052

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the FY 07/08 Operating and Capital Budgets

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-053

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Submission of a Grant Application to the National Science Foundation for Informal Science Education Funds Relative to the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-054

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Liability Insurance Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-055

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Renewal of the Health and Benefit Insurance Plans

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-055.1

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve, in Concept, an Agreement Between the California Coastal Conservancy and the District Relative to the Commemorative License Plate Program

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-056

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Request for Accretion to the Bargaining Unit Represented by the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local No. 21, AFL-CIO, for Allied Administrative, Non-Professionals in the District Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-057

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2006-B-5, Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase III Environmental Compliance Monitoring Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-058

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2008-FT-8, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking and Access Improvements (Phase I), to Ghilotti Bros., Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-059

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2009-BT-2, San Rafael Bus Facility Security Improvements, to Sonoma County Builders, Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-060

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer from the FY 07/08 Operating Budget to the FY 07/08 Capital Budget, for Indirect Cost and Excess District Project Management Costs

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-061

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Increase in the FY 07/08 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget Relative to the Dry-Docking and Re-Powering of the M.V. Mendocino

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-062

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-063

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing a Grant Application with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for FY 08/09 Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program Grant Funds to Support Larkspur Ferry Shuttle Operations

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-064

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Filing an Application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for FY 08/09 Transportation Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance (STA) and Regional Measure 2 (RM2) Funds to Support Bus, Ferry and Paratransit Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-065

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Capital Accounting Partners, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-B-5, OMB A-87 Cost Allocation Plans and Indirect Costs

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-066

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of the Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Giro, Inc., Relative to Contract No. 97-BT-8, Purchase, Delivery, Installation and Support of Software Program for Golden Gate Transit Fixed Route Scheduling System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-067

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Petition from Amalgamated Transit Union, Local Division No. 1575, for Recognition of Employee Unit Comprised of Unrepresented Non-Professional Employees, Excluding Managers, Supervisors and Confidential Employees

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-068

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Engagement Letter as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP for the Annual Financial Audit

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-069

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 2008-BT-3, Fare Collection System, with GFI Genfare, a Unit of SPX Corporation

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-070

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify the Appointment of Raymond Messier as Trustee to the Golden Gate Transit-Amalgamated Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-071

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to the Employee Agreements with the Officers of the District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-072

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-073

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Agreement Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and the Marin County Transit District for Intercounty Paratransit Service

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-074

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Cancellation of the September 26, 2008, Board of Directors Meeting

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-075

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Miscellaneous Budget Transfers in the FY 07/08 Operating Budget and Authorize Miscellaneous Budget Adjustments in the FY 08/09 Operating Budget

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-076

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Budget Transfer from the FY 07/08 Operating Budget to the FY 07/08 Capital Budget; and, Authorize Budget Adjustments in the FY 07/08 Capital Budget for Indirect Cost and Excess District Project Management Costs, and Amend Resolution No. 2008-060

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-077

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-078

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with DMJM Harris Regarding Request for Proposals No. 2008-B-5, Environmental Studies and Preliminary Design for a Moveable Median Barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-079

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the General Manager to Enter into Negotiations with Washington State Ferries for the Acquisition of Two Previously Constructed Ferries as a Possible Alternative to the Purchase of a New High-Speed Passenger Ferry

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-080

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Regarding the Execution of Professional Services Agreements Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2009-D-1, Insurance Advisor and Brokerage Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-081

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Updated Five- and Ten-Year Financial Projection, as Revised

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-082

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Retirement Investment Trust Board's FY 07/08 Annual Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-083

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Record Retention Program for E-Mail Communications

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-084

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Employer Pickup Resolution Pre-Tax Payroll Deduction Plan for Service Credit Purchases (Contribution Code 14)

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-085

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Platinum Advisors, LLC, Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2009-D-4, State Legislative Advocacy Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-086

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Support of Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District's One-Quarter Percent Sales Tax Initiative to Fund the Passenger Train and Pathway Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-087

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2009-D-2, Banking and Associated Financial Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-088

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Change to the Commission Structure for Golden Gate Transit Fare Media

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-089

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Agreement with MARIN.ORG/MIDAS for Data Communication Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-090

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve a Locally Preferred Alternative for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-091

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment on Proposed Golden Gate Transit Service Changes and Approve Related Actions

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-092

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2008-FT-8, Larkspur Ferry Terminal Parking and Access Improvements (Phase I), with Ghilotti Bros., Inc.

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-093

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with SST Benefits Consulting & Insurance Services, Inc., Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2009-D-5, Deferred Compensation (IRC Section 457) Consultant Services

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-094

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Execution of an Amendment to Contract No. 2005-D-6, Revenue Collection, with Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., Relative to an Extension of the Contract Term

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-095

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to the Table of Organization within the Administration Division

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-096

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Extension of Term and Related Matters Relative to the Employment Agreement for the General Manager

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-097

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller and Accept Investment Report

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-098

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Regarding Funding of the Doyle Drive Reconstruction Project

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-099

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Resolution of Appreciation to Tom Ammiano

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-100

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-MD-1, Advanced Communications and Information System

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-101

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Regarding Award of a Contract with International Business Machines Corporation of Armonk, New York Relative to Request for Proposals No. 2008-MD-2, Asset and Vehicle Fluid Management Systems

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-102

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Procurement of Two New High-Speed Passenger Ferries

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-103

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Sole Source Procurement of Marine Diesel Engines for the M.V. Del Norte

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-104

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Budget Decreases in the FY 08/09 Bus Transit and Ferry Transit Divisions' Operating Budgets Relative to State Operating Assistance Income

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-105

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Fuel Cell Bus Loan Agreement with Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-106

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Receive the Independent Auditor's Reports for the Year Ending June 30, 2008, as Submitted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, Including the Following: A. The Financial Statements, Including the Single Audit Report; and B. The Financial Statements of the Supplemental Retirement Plan and Trust

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-107

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Amendments to the Table of Organization Within the District and Bus Divisions

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-108

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Ratify Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-109

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Golden Gate Transit Service Changes

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-110

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2009-FT-2, Two Diesel Generators for the M.S. San Francisco

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-111

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Application and Award of FY 2008-2009 California Transit Assistance Funds

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-112

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Actions Relative to the Grant Agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy for Grant Funds to Support the Toll Plaza East Parking Lot Restroom Facility Improvements

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-113

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Adoption of the 2008 Conflict of Interest Code

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-114

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize Resolutions of Appreciation to Jake McGoldrick and Gerardo Sandoval

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-115

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Authorize a Resolution of Appreciation to John J. Moylan

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-116

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve Board of Directors Meeting Schedule for Year 2009

PDF DocumentResolution No. 2008-117

Board of Directors Policies, Resolutions
Approve the Selection of Officers of the Board of Directors for the Years 2009-2010
Results: 546 Records found.